Spring has sprung early this year and along with that comes mosquitoes!
Heartworm, a serious and often fatal disease of dogs, cats and other species of mammals, is preventable. And, with the beginning of a brand new mosquito season, to help raise public awareness, April is being recognized as Heartworm Prevention Month.
Most pet owners wouldn’t knowingly put their pet at risk of becoming infected with a potentially deadly disease, yet, according to The American Heartworm Association, millions of pet owners who fail to protect their dog from heartworm infection are doing so every day.
Heartworm disease is completely preventable; the American Heartworm Society recommends that pet owners take steps now to talk to their veterinarian about how best to protect their pets from this dangerous disease.
Canine heartworm disease is a potentially deadly infection. Caused by worms (diofilaria immitis) that may grow to be 14-inch-long adults. These worms live in the right side of the heart, arteries, and lungs. Dogs of any age and breed are susceptible to infection. Heartworm infection can cause potentially serious damage to these arteries, eventually leading to heart failure, and in severe cases damage other organs such as the liver and kidneys. In extreme cases, a dog can be infected with several hundred heartworms. Cats are also susceptible to the disease, but do not contribute significantly to spreading the infection.